Who should buy this and why?

This instructional video was created in response to all those individuals now having to work from home

  • Educate your workforce on how to optimise their set up, ranging from just a laptop and dining room chair to full home office workstation

  • Stretching, Mobility and Theraband exercise videos to educate your workers on how to keep active and avoid strains and sprains from static awkward long duration work postures and tasks

  • Short video on how to improve working postures when dealing with hard copy documents

  • We have also included PDF education handouts (workstation set up, stretching and theraband) that you can circulate within the business to support learning and application

  • You will get access to the short instructional video for 12 months to review as many times as you like

Why should you buy this course?

Simple tips to improve your working from home comfort and making the most out of what you have