This training program is ideal for

  • Early career health professionals

    Looking to up skill in occupational health to improve private practice clinical skills as well as offer and deliver offsite clinical assessments and consulting.

  • Business owners

    Wishing to introduce occupational health concepts into their private practice to improve individual client outcomes as well as develop occupational health service offerings outside of the private practice setting,

  • Experienced health practitioners

    Who is looking to diversify their skill sets and service offerings

  • Professionals looking for a career change

    Ideal for those professionals looking to upskill and add learning and experience to their CV so that they can apply for non private practice roles in occupational health, occupational rehabilitation and work with the compensation system

Key Information

  • Learning platform & materials

    Access our course content for 12 months and complete it in your own time. We provide a range of soft copy resources for both personal development as well as templates and materials that can be utilised immediately to assist in creating and developing your occ health skills

  • Expertise

    A occupational health training course created by occupational health physiotherapist and osteopaths. With over 45 years of combined experience

  • Workshops

    4 workshops that include intro to occ health, workstation ergonomics, manual task analysis and manual handling training

Course curriculum

  • 1


    • Occupational health skills training introduction

  • 2

    Introduction to occupational health

    • Introduction to occupational health

    • Activity handouts

    • An introduction to occupational health presentation slides PDF

  • 3

    Workstation ergonomics

    • Intro to workstation ergonomics presentation

    • Intro to workstation ergonomics presentation slides PDF

    • Workstation ergonomic tip sheet handout

    • Workstation ergonomics tip sheet 2

    • Guidelines for computer workstations

    • Quiz

  • 4

    Risk assessment for manual tasks

    • Intro to risk assessment for manual tasks presentation

    • Intro to risk assessment for manual tasks presentation PDF

    • Manual tasks risk assessment template

    • Risk matrix example 1

    • Risk matrix example 2

    • Summary of risk assessment tools

    • Quiz

  • 5

    Manual handling training skills

    • Intro to manual handling training skills presentation

    • Intro to manual handling training skills presentation PDF

    • Tip sheet

    • How to lift position paper

    • Quiz

  • 6


    • Feedback survey

    • Privacy policy

    • Terms and conditions


  • 6 hours of online learning content

  • Course notes for each workshop

  • Tip sheets for each workshop

  • Soft copy resources to utilise within your business

  • Multi choice quiz to assess knowledge gained from the modules

  • Certificate of completion for professional development

  • Great value